‘It’s like getting your car checked’: the social construction of...
Living with risk and everyday sense-making
‘It’s like getting your car checked’: the social construction of diabetes risk among participants...

‘The ones who die are lost and the survivors are...
Risk governance and governmentality
‘The ones who die are lost and the survivors are what we have’: neoliberal governmentality and...

Collection: Sociology of Vaccines
Vaccination has long been a central tool in the management of infectious disease – though it is not without associated...

Conceptualising the experience of health risk: the case of everyday...
Public health and individual health care are increasingly oriented towards managing risks. This ‘surveillance medicine’ does not target present illnesses...

Covid-19 and the Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty
Covid-19 and the Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty
Studies of Social Phenomena and Social Theory Across...

Difficult dialogues about death: applying risk orders theory to analyse...
Understandings of risk permeate end-of-life (EOL) care contexts. In addition to the risk of bodily death, patients, family and healthcare...

Extraordinary Risks, Ordinary Lives
Extraordinary Risks, Ordinary Lives
Logics of Precariousness in Everyday Contexts
“This collection of essays provides a...

Italian Sociological Review – Vol. 12 No. 8S (2022)
The articles in this issue below:
"Living on the Volcano of Civilization”. For the Thirtieth Anniversary of Ulrich Beck’s Risk...

Multidimensional Risks in the XXI Century
At the start of 2020, with the emergence of Covid-19, risk turned from a state of virtuality into reality and...

Problematising older motherhood in Canada: ageism, ableism, and the risky...
Risk governance and governmentality
Problematising older motherhood in Canada: ageism, ableism, and the risky maternal subject

Rationales of risk and uncertainty and their epistemological foundation by...
Risk studies have shown that many people rather than following rational means of managing risk refer to non-rational (hope, faith)...

Risk-taking and social inequality

Zweite Moderne und Risikogesellschaft
Die Begriffe reflexive bzw. zweite Moderne und Risikogesellschaft gehen auf Ulrich Beck zurück, der Mitte der 1980er-Jahre einen radikalen Wandel im gesellschaftlichen Verständnis und Umgang mit...