SoRU Newsletter 2022-3: News from the Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty networks of the ISA and ESA

SoRU Newsletter 2022-3: News from the Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty networks of the ISA and ESA
Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty

Newsletter 03 of 2022

Mid-term Conference!!
Please save the date… 

This week it was confirmed that the next ESA/ISA Mid-term Conference will take place on 26th & 27th October 2023, at University of Southern Denmark at Esbjerg.

The theme will be ´Uncertain times, unsettled lives? Complex risks and uncertainties in times of crises´, with a special stream on rural risks in times of regional polarization, climate change and energy transition. 

As always, the conference will welcome abstracts from right across the different domains and topics connecting to studies of uncertainty and risk. 

A detailed call for papers and more information on the submission process will follow soon… 
Reminder re: the  Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty website – now online!
Dear Colleagues,

A recently updated website of Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty is online!
Here you will find news and links to our academic activities all over the world, online archives and resources. A blog section is open to discuss and share about the following topics:
  • Decolonizing Risk Sociology (Maria Grazia Galantino, Jens Zinn)
  • Intersectionality (Anna Olofsson/Susanna Öhman/Katarina Giritli-Nygren)
  • Metropolis (Fabio D’Andrea)
  • Environment and Risk (Ignacio Rubio Carriquiriborde)
  • Body, Emotions and Risk (Fabio D’Andrea/Jens Zinn)
  • Risk and the Media (Brenda Focás)
  • Risk and Health (Bert de Graaff)
  • and more…
Please feel free to contact the blog coordinators above or the editorial staff ( if you wish to write a post or contribute in other forms (photos,videos, interviews, etc.).

Our special thanks to Fabio D'Andrea and his team at the University of Perugia for implementing and maintaining the website. It is still a work in progress so expect more changes soon.
Suggestions welcomed!

We count on your inputs and contributions to render our website an informative and useful resource for all those interested in risk and uncertainty research.

Maria Grazia (ESA RN22) & Jens (ISA TG04)

Italian Sociological Review Special Issue on Beck's Legacy 
"Living on the Volcano of Civilization”. For the Thirtieth Anniversary of Ulrich Beck’s Risk Society
Fabio D'Andrea, Andrea Lombardinilo
World Risk Society and Ulrich Beck’s Manufactured Uncertainties
Andrea Antonilli
Gods of “Second Modernity”: Religion and Spirituality from Ulrich Beck’s Sociological Perspective
Antonio Camorrino
How Side Effects Can Be Positive. A Reading of Beck’s Metamorphosis
Fabio D'Andrea
Organised Irresponsibility in the Post-Truth Era: Beck’s Legacy in Today’s World at Risk
Maria Grazia Galantino
Memories of the Future. Ulrich Beck, Risk and Prevention: The Difference that Defeats Indifference
Mihaela Gavrila, Marco Cilento
ʽIsolated Mass Hermitsʼ: Individualization and Communication in the Risk Society
Andrea Lombardinilo

Reports on recent and ongoing activities

Croatian students organised a symposium on the Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty in March 2022

From 21st to 25th March, 2022, the Sociology students' club Diskrepancija from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Zagreb held a symposium titled ´Risk Society: Rethinking Uncertainties in a Globalised World´. By choosing risk and society as our starting point, we wanted to highlight the all-encompassing presence of these phenomena in so-called reflexive modernity, or the modernity which is becoming aware of its inner shortcomings and is reacting to these shortcomings, in a more or less successful way. The still ongoing coronavirus pandemic can also be seen as an example of that process.

The symposium included 15 lectures from interested students and established experts in the field, such as Joost van Loon. Besides the lectures, the event had a discussion with Paško Bilić and Krešimir Petković on the nation-state and global risks, a movie night dedicated especially for high-school students followed by the discussion on the legislative framing of drug use, as well as a workshop on lobbying in the theoretical and practical framework of social resilience.

Thanks to Dario Pavičić and Karla Škrlec for this report. 

Vax-Trust Project – addressing vaccine hesitancy in Europe

The aim of this social science led project is to understand more about vaccine hesitancy, including the relationship between ideas of risk and trust.

The team involves researchers at universities from across Europe , including researchers at the University of Nottingham:
Professor Pru Hobson-West, Dr Alistair Anderson, and Professor Kate Millar.


Recent 3CIRAN – Climate Change of Critical Infrastructure in Remote Areas in the Nordic countries – network meeting in Copenhagen.

The network had some great days in Copenhangen, which included keynote presentations, presentations from participants, a lot of formal and informal discussions on various topics such as future funding strategies for joint research, and two field trips to get a closer look at some of the climate change adaptation projects we have in Denmark. The primary objective of this workshop series is to establish a new research group for examining the increased vulnerability due to Climate Change of Critical Infrastructure in Remote Areas in the Nordic countries (aka 3CIRAN). To attain this objective, 3CIRAN will develop a series of stakeholder and academic workshops for building a framework combining social science and humanities theories, methods, and analyses. Read the 3CIRAN concept note at 

See more in this blog 


SoRU Newsletter
The Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty (SoRU) newsletter is for members and others interested in the activities of the ESA Research Network (RN22) and ISA Thematic Group (TG04) on the Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty. 

Stay in touch!

Subscribe to the email list by sending an email with the text ‘subscribe esa-soru’ to mariagrazia.galantino[at]

Visit our website and engage directly by contacting us: degraaff[at]

Follow the research network on Twitter @RiskUncertainty

Join us and start sharing info in our Linkedin group

Latest issue of
Health, Risk & Society 

Volume 24 (7/8):
Laura Mellini & Francesca Poglia Mileti  ‘If you know the person, there are no risks’: ‘in-between’ strategies for reducing HIV sexual risk among young sub-Saharan migrants living in Switzerland

Afonso Anfan Chen & Xing Zhang Rethinking the knowledge-attitudes model and introducing belief in human evolution: examining antecedents of public acceptability of human gene editing

Fawn Harrad-Hyde, Chris Williams & Natalie Armstrong Hospital transfers from care homes: conceptualising staff decision-making as a form of risk work

Sophie Lachapelle, Katarina Bogosavljevic & Jennifer M. Kilty In the name of health: affect theory and the role of public health risks in the creation of carceral spaces

Viorela Dan & Daniela Dimitrova Visuals’ function in health risk reporting: juxtaposing the academic conceptualisations with journalistic perceptions

Other new journal articles

Lidskog, Rolf & Berg, Monika (2022). Expertise, lay/local knowledge and the environment, pp. 257-269 in Pellizzoni, L., Leonardi, E. & Asara, V. (eds). Elgar Handbook of Critical Environmental Politics. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.

Lidskog, Rolf & Rabe, Linn. (2022). Making climate risks governable in Swedish municipalities: crisis preparedness, technical measures, and public involvement. Climate, 10(7): 90.

Lidskog, Rolf, Standring, Adam & White, James. (2022). Environmental expertise for social transformation: Roles and responsibilities for social science. Environmental Sociology, 8(3): 255–266.

Manca, T., Humble, R. M., Aylsworth, L., Cha, E., Wilson, S. E., Meyer, S. B., Greyson, D., Sadarangani, M., Parsons Leigh, J., & MacDonald, S. E. (2022). “We need to protect each other”: COVID-19 vaccination intentions and concerns among Racialized minority and Indigenous Peoples in Canada. Social Science & Medicine, 313, 115400.

Manca, T. A., Top, K. A., Weagle, K., & Graham, J. E. (2022). Deferring risk: Limitations to the evidence in product labels for vaccine use in pregnancy. Journal of Women’s Health, 31(8), 1103–1112.

New books

XX ISA World Congress of Sociology

Authoritarianism: The Sociology of New Entanglements of Religions, Politics, and Economies
Melbourne, Australia – June 25-July 1, 2023

The Thematic Group 'Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty' has received many interesting abstracts for our sessions and authors should hear soon about whether these are accepted. 

Registration deadline for presenters is 22 March 2023. 


The 16th Conference of the European Sociological Association will take place in Porto, Portugal, on 27-30 August 2024 devoted to the theme “Tension, Trust and Transformation”.

Actualizing Robert Castel’s Legacy: The International Circulation and Reception of his Work
April 3 and 4, 2023
Campus Condorcet, Aubervilliers-Paris, France
More info here.

The Next Pandemic

This roundtable event will address questions pertaining to the next pandemic:
• What lessons have we learned from the Covid pandemic that might help us cope with the next pandemic?
• Should we be more worried about an infodemic or a pandemic—and is there any distinction anymore?
• Is it possible to have healthy scepticism in a pandemic? • What insights can the arts & humanities and the social sciences provide for understanding pandemics?
See more here

The roundtable is part of ‘Unfolding Our Shared Future: Challenge, Possibility and Potential in the 21st Century’, a travelling festival addressing issues facing the US and UK in domestic, trans-Atlantic and global contexts.
Assistant professor position in public policy and healthcare – at Erasmus University Rotterdam

We are looking for an assistant professor, in a nice team 😊. We aim for a social science researcher (pub admin, but political sociology would work as well), experienced in qualitative methods, with an interest in the politics and governance of healthcare. Being able to speak Dutch is useful. Here is the link


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