SoRU Newsletter 2022-1: News from the Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty networks of the ISA and ESA

SoRU Newsletter 2022-1: News from the Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty networks of the ISA and ESA
Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty

Newsletter 01 of 2022
Letter from the coordinators

Dear Colleagues,

This issue marks the start of a new year living in and with Covid pandemic which has triggered radical changes in our societies and everyday lives. This “metamorphosis” comes together with an increased social awareness of risk and uncertainty and a large and growing body of research, which tries to make sense of the current experience and to imagine possible pathways for the future. Many scholars in our networks contributed to this effort with a number of publications that we presented in previous newsletters such as the Current Sociology Monograph Issue on the Sociology of Pandemics. A new special issue of Health, Risk and Society is listed in the new articles section. A book ‘Covid-19 and the Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty. Studies of Social Phenomena and Social Theory Across 6 Continents’ is currently in print with Palgrave Macmillan to be available soon.

A number of ongoing initiatives resulted from the last SORU21 organised by Fabio D’Andrea and colleagues. A new and updated website of Riskanduncertainty is under construction thanks to the team at University of Perugia. We will use the re-start of the website for a new initiative in the blogging sphere. We would like to organise activities and connect them to more regular meetings and workshops using the new website, online tools and blogging tool.

Here an initial list of blog topics and their care takers:
  • Decolonizing Risk Sociology (Ignacio Rubio, Maria Grazia Galantino, Jens Zinn)
  • Intersectionality (Anna Olofsson/Susanna Öhman/Katarina Giritli-Nygren)
  • Metropolis (Fabio D’Andrea)
  • Environment and Risk (Ignacio Rubio Carriquiriborde)
  • Body, Emotions and Risk (Fabio D’Andrea/Jens Zinn)
  • Risk and the Media (Brenda Focás)
  • Risk and Health (Bert de Graaff)
  • and more.
Please feel free to contact us to suggest further themes or be updated on more recent developments.

Finally, we draw your attention to the ongoing consultation about the postponement of the next ESA Conference to 2024. A General Assembly will be held on April 7th, 2022 to vote about that. All ESA members are invited to participate.

The XX ISA World Congress of Sociology ‘Resurgent Authoritarianism: Sociology of New Entanglements of Religions, Politics, and Economies’ will take place 25 June to 1 July 2023 in Melbourne, Australia, in a hybrid format. The announcement of our program coordinator will take place by 7 March. Please send an expression of interest to Jens by 15 February. Proposals for Integrative Sessions, Regular Sessions, Author Meets Critics sessions and Ad Hoc sessions can already be made to Jens ( until end of April.

More news and updates on ongoing networks’ initiatives will be promptly shared through this newsletter.
Maria Grazia (ESA RN22) & Jens (ISA TG04)


Journal of Risk Research, special issue: ‘Understanding discourse and language of risk’ is out with all the contributions published online with the Journal of Risk Research including the Introduction by Jens Zinn and Marcus Müller which gives an overview of the contribution. The special issue discusses approaches which examine the linguistic representation of risk in text and how it changes over time. The contributions to this special issue exemplify different research strategies by means of a number of case studies (e.g. terrorism, obesity, fracking, climate change, pre-exposure prophylaxis, migration as well as diachronic analysis of the use of risk in parliamentary debate and news coverage) and discuss key aspects of applying such research tools. 


SoRU Newsletter
The Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty (SoRU) newsletter is for members and others interested in the activities of the ESA Research Network (RN22) and ISA Thematic Group (TG04) on the Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty. 

Stay in touch!

Subscribe to the email list by sending an email with the text ‘subscribe esa-soru’ to: list-manager[at]

Engage directly by contacting us: degraaff[at]

Follow the research network on Twitter @RiskUncertainty

Join us and start sharing info in our Linkedin group

Latest special issue of Health, Risk & Society 

Patrick Brown & Jens Zinn (2021). Covid-19, pandemic risk and inequality: emerging social science insights at 24 months (editorial)

Andy Alaszewski (2021). Plus ça change? The COVID-19 pandemic as continuity and change as reflected through risk theory

Gabriele Prati, Iana Tzankova, Irene Barbieri, Antonella Guarino, Christian Compare, Cinzia Albanesi & Elvira Cicognani (2021). People’s understanding of the COVID-19 pandemic: social representations of SARS-CoV-2 virus in Italy

Terra A. Manca (2021).Risk and intersectional power relations: an exploration of the implications of early COVID-19 pandemic responses for pregnant women

Thomas Bonnet, Eric Drais, Mireille Lapoire-Chasset, Julie Primerano & Karen Rossignol (2021). Reconfiguration of the boundaries of occupational risk prevention observed during the COVID-19 pandemic: the case of personal protective equipment and collective protection in France


(Re)constructing risks for decision making – Copenhagen Business School – 4 & 5 July, 2022, hybrid event.

An interdisciplinary workshop on the relation between risk management, riskification, and organizational decision making. Call for papers, abstracts before 28th February 2022.

The workshop is associated with the Organizing Risk Group. This is an interdisciplinary group of scholars interested in risks and risk organizing, tied around EGOS (European Group of Organization Studies) conferences and its subthemes on riskification. If interested, you can email Tommaso Palermo at to receive their communications.


Symposium ‘Risk Society: Rethinking Uncertainties in a Globalised World, 16-18 March, University of Zagreb. Call for papers, abstracts before 20th February 2022.

The XX ISA World Congress of Sociology ‘Resurgent Authoritarianism: Sociology of New Entanglements of Religions, Politics, and Economies’,  25 June – 1 July 2023, Melbourne, Australia, hybrid format, abstracts from July 1st 2022. Please sent expressions of interest for program coordinator (before February 15th) and session-proposals (until end of April) to Jens ( Conference website.
Waring, Justin, et al. (2021). Organising Care in a Time of Covid-19 – Implications for Leadership, Governance and Policy, Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan Springer Nature.

Murphy, Raymond.  (2021). The Fossil-Fuelled Climate Crisis: Foresight or Discounting Danger?, Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan Springer Nature. See also: “The Accelerating Treadmill of Fossil-Fuelled Practices and Assessing What to do about it”.  March 2, 2022. Presentation to the Club of Rome, Cacor Zoom Series.
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