ESA RN22/ISA TG04 MidTerm Conference 2023
Uncertain times, unsettled lives? Complex risks and uncertainties in times of crises 26 & 27 October 2023 University of Southern Denmark, Esbjerg
Update from the Conference The last MidTerm Conference was a great success with 47 participants, 37 presentations and 4 keynote spechees. It was a great opportunity to share research and ideas and to enjoy each other’s company. A great higlight was the tour to the Island of Fanø with beer tasting. A big thank you to Barbara Fersch, Gitte Hegner and all colleagues at SDU Esbjerg who made this possible!

EASST-4S 2024 conference 16–19 July 2024, Amsterdam
The STS community gathers in Amsterdam this summer, and we would like to draw your attention to our panel focusing on caring during environmental crises called ‘Caring in an overflowing terrestrial’. We welcome contributions that explore practices of caring in relation to environmental crises and disasters.
For info contact Bert at degraaf[at]eshpm.eur.nl
40th EGO Colloquium Croassroads for Organisations: Times, Space and People 4-6 July 2024, Milan Sub-theme 19. After the Crisis (?): Towards a New Politics of Professionalism under Pressure
Please consider participation, which requires a short paper on January 9th, and, after selection, a full paper in June.
Environment As a Short Circuit in the Knowledge Production System
Vernon Press invites chapter proposals for a volume edited by Fabio D’Andrea.
If you are interested in contributing , please submit your proposal (500-word max.), and biography (150-word max.) to the editor (fabio.dandrea@unipg.it) by January 10, 2024. See the call for more info.

 SoRU Newsletter
The Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty (SoRU) newsletter is for members and others interested in the activities of the ESA Research Network (RN22) and ISA Thematic Group (TG04) on the Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty.

RN22 Sociology of Risk and Uncertainty aims to provide a forum for debating research on how risks are perceived, constructed, managed, communicated and/or neglected in relation to recent (global) crises and ongoing transformations. We invite theoretical and empirical contributions related to the conference theme and to broader topics. Authors can submit their abstract to the general session or to one of the thematic sessions.
We also invite you to submit to our Joint sessions with RN12 Environment and Society I – Risk and challenges of nuclear energy in the framework of sustainability and environmental change II – Environmental risk perception across Europe
with RN16 Sociology of Health and Medicine Algorithms in action: opportunities, risks and perspectives in medicine
Call for abstract ends Jan 15th.
Please see the call and the conference website for more information.
Alan Petersen (2023) ed. Handbook on the Sociology of Health and Medicine, Elgar Publishing
Neves, B. B., Petersen, A., Vered, M., Carter, A., & Omori, M. (2023). Artificial intelligence in long-term care: Technological promise, aging anxieties, and sociotechnical ageism. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 42(6), 1274-1282.
Petersen, A., & Pienaar, K. (2023). Competing realities, uncertain diagnoses of infectious disease: mass self-testing for COVID-19 and liminal bio-citizenship. Sociology of Health and Illness.

Latest issue of Health, Risk & Society
Volume 25 (7/8)
Risk lifeworlds and sense-making among children and young people Carolin Albers, ‘The air is a little too dangerous’: how children navigate between rules and risks in times of COVID-19
Panos Vostanis, Sadiyya Haffejee, Elijah Getanda, Seyda Eruyar, Sajida Hassan & Michelle O’Reilly, Risk factors for mental health and wellness: children’s perspectives from five Majority World Countries
Hamid Bulut & Robin Samuel, The role of trust in government and risk perception in adherence to COVID-19 prevention measures: survey findings among young people in Luxembourg
Risk governance, framing and discursive regime
Ulandi du Plessis & Catriona Ida Macleod Governing pregnancy in the Global South: the case of post-apartheid South Africa
Sabrina Huizenga, Hester van de Bovenkamp, Lieke Oldenhof & Roland Bal, The clocks run at slightly different speeds. Clashing timeframes in COVID-19 health risk governance
Stay in touch!
Subscribe to the email list by sending an email with the text ‘subscribe esa-soru’ to mariagrazia.galantino[at]uniroma1.it
Visit our website or contact us directly at: p.r.brown[at]uva.nl
Follow the research network on Twitter @RiskUncertainty